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Survivor Stories -- Amy Tsubota

Survivor Stories -- Amy Tsubota

Before breast cancer happened to me, I have to admit I just didn’t think about it. With no family history and living what I believed was a very healthy lifestyle, it wasn’t part of my thoughts or worries. I look back on that time of innocence as a blessing. Ignorance was bliss, and I didn’t even know it. 


I was living the happiest days of my life Memorial Day Weekend 2017, when I found out I was pregnant. In the week leading up to my first OB appointment at 7 weeks, I had been feeling around as my breasts were changing rapidly and becoming sore, when suddenly I felt a lump on the left side. It didn’t strike fear in my heart, but it registered as, “I’ll have my OB appointment next week, and if it’s anything concerning, they will point it out to me.” I chocked it up to pregnancy and continued feeling excitement about our family becoming a party of 3.

on October 03, 2019
13 Years and I'm Still Here❤ -- by Cary Kim

13 Years and I'm Still Here❤ -- by Cary Kim

On a gorgeous blue-sky day in New York City on the morning of September 11th, 2001, I was one year into married life and five months pregnant with my first baby and felt that life could not be more perfect. When the first plane struck Tower 1 of the World Trade Center at 8:46 AM, we believed it was a horrific accident and started calling friends to make sure everyone who worked in lower Manhattan was ok. We had 17 minutes to keep believing that accidents happen, and boy are we lucky my husband’s meeting in the WTC was scheduled for the next day, when the second plane struck Tower 2 at 9:03 AM. That was when I felt the baby inside me move for the first time ever. That was when the fight or flight adrenaline in my body dumped into the amniotic fluid, and she started bucking and kicking like she was trying to escape. That was when we thought the world was ending.
on September 11, 2019
365 Days of Intentional Fitness -- By Sara Keleher

365 Days of Intentional Fitness -- By Sara Keleher

365 DAYS of #IntentionalFitness!! It started as a 30 day challenge to myself to help me reclaim my body after active treatment for breast cancer. I wanted to feel like I had some control again. But, after 30 days, I figured why not keep going?
on June 04, 2019
Alena's Travel Favorites - Thailand

Alena's Travel Favorites - Thailand

Travel is a wonderful thing. You get to explore, discover, and learn about new places. Meet and engage with new people. And if you're traveling to another country, you get to experience and participate in a different culture which can really open your eyes and give you a new perspective on life and how others live in the World. It's important to keep an open mind, be respectful of cultural differences, and go with the flow. It's also important to pack well for the various adventures and occasions you'll have!
on May 21, 2019
My Explant Story -- by Jane Choe Killian

My Explant Story -- by Jane Choe Killian

If you were to look at me and hear me...
on May 21, 2019
Five Self-Care Tips for Moms

Five Self-Care Tips for Moms

Five Self-Care Tips for Moms (and everyone really!) - Written...
on May 03, 2019